VeteranPark mainly provides parking for veterans . We provide services related not only to the parking of veterans - both cars and motorcycles. In addition to parking, we also provide service, paint shop and dishwasher for hand washing. We will also insure your car if you wish and we will be happy to advise or help you with the purchase or sale of your car or motorcycle.

About us
The original historical factory " Melicharka " - Melichar's plants, has been producing sowing and other agricultural machinery for the whole of Europe since 1887.
After nationalization, the complex becomes BSS - Brandýské Strojírny a Slévárny, producing car technology, car parts and special superstructures and semi-trailers for trucks.
AMZ financial Group bought the factory in 2004 and since then we have been carrying out gradual reconstructions and revitalizations of historic factory buildings.
And in one of the sensitively renovated buildings is located our car park!
In addition to parking, we also offer a basic service for your veterans.
Follow us on social networks or come and see for yourself!

AMZ Financial Group, Ltd.
Přívozní 1054/2, 170 00, Prague 7
ID: 282 17 403
Tel.: +420 326 377 710
Gsm1: +420 777 095 872
Gsm2: +420 608 308 513
Address VeteranPark
Pražská 298
Brandýs nad Labem-Stará Boleslav
250 01
Monday - Friday: 9:00 - 16:00
Saturday Sunday: CLOSED